Legal Notice
Rainer Hotel Management Ges.m.b.H.
Gudrunstraße 184, A-1100 Wien
T: +43 1 605 80 - 0
E: rainers(at)
FN 310708Z
ATU 64188319
Fundamental direction
The website of Rainer Hotels is an information and service facility for customers and the interested public.
Design & technical implementation
Studio Ideenladen
Terms and conditions of usage
The content of this website can be freely used and is used solely for information purposes. The usage of the selection options of the website do not result in any legal transactions whatsoever between the owner and the users. The next steps between providers and users and the possible subsequent conclusion of orders between providers and users are at the sole discretion of the users.
With regard to the technical features of the Internet, no guarantee can be given for the information provided on the Internet being authentic, correct, and complete. No guarantee is given for the availability or the operation of this homepage and its content, either. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damage, irrespective of its causes, that arises from the use or non-availability of the data and information of this homepage is excluded where such an exclusion is permitted by law.
The content of this homepage is protected by copyright. The information is only intended for personal use. Any further usage, in particular the saving in databases, reproduction and any form of commercial usage as well as the forwarding to third parties, also in parts or in revised form, is prohibited without the consent of the website owner.
Hyperlinks to this weblog are welcome. Any integration of individual pages of our web presence into third-party frames is prohibited, as is the provision of our RSS feed on third-party sites.
Data protection
If personal data (for instance, name, address, or e-mail addresses) are collected on our sites, this is always done, where possible, on a voluntary basis. If practicable, the offers and services can be used at all times without providing personal data.
The usage of contact data published within the framework of the legal notice obligation by third parties to send advertising and information materials that have not been explicitly requested is hereby expressly rejected. The operators of the sites explicitly reserve legal steps in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information, for instance, in the form of spam mails.
Liability for links
This weblog contains links to external websites of third parties, the content of which we have no influence over. That is why we can also not assume any guarantee for this third-party content. In all cases, the respective provider or operator of the sites is responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible breaches of the law when the link was placed. At the time of linking, no unlawful content was discernible. A permanent control of the content of the linked pages, however, cannot be reasonably expected without specific indications of a breach of the law. If breaches of the law become known, we will remove such links immediately.
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. In case IP-anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
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Online dispute resolution platform of the European Commission:
Information on online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Regulation: The EU Commission offers the possibility of online dispute resolution on a platform that it operates (so-called ?OS platform?). The OS platform can be used as a point of contact for out-of-court resolution of disputes arising from online purchase contracts or service contracts. This platform can be accessed via the external
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